Secrets of Healthy Generations Hidden in Genetic Testing
Genetic tests can help clinicians determine whether we carry a certain disease, whether we are predisposed to any risk, what awaits our unborn or newborn child, or what kind of treatment we should receive against an existing disease, based on genes that we can call "the map of our body". The result of a genetic test shows the health picture not only for you but also for your future generations.

A genetic test can change your life
Rapid advances in genetics are increasing our knowledge of the molecular basis of diseases. This information is important because it is used in the development of genetic tests and the results of genetic tests directly help to personalize the care provided to patients.
For example, treating all cancer patients in the same way is rapidly giving way to personalized treatment. Genetic tests examine molecular mechanisms which can influence treatment planning and offer a personalized approach for individuals. Applying molecular profiling to the tumor serves up to treatment options such as smart drugs, immunotherapy and resistance and sensitivity to various drugs are evaluated. The treatment and follow-up of the patient is carried out in the light of this information, and significant increases are observed in success rates.
Not only cancer, but also follow-up and treatment opportunities for many chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, rare diseases, neurological diseases are developing with new findings every day. On the other hand, with the innovations that genetic has brought to the medical world, medicine science is no longer only involved in the treatment of the diseases. Thanks to the healthy living panels, it has also moved to the level of calculating the risks of individuals due to hereditary or genetic reasons and providing data that will manage them to have a longer and healthier life.

The accuracy of the guiding genetic tests and realistic communication of the possibilities to the individuals are essentials of this field.
Genetic test results;
- Early diagnosis and early intervention in hereditary diseases can save lives
- It can be a great relief for people who have a predisposition or fear of contracting a disease for any reason
- May be useful for future family planning
These can influence important life decisions. Therefore, genetic testing should only be performed by qualified laboratories with specialized personnel and with a quality management system based on international standards.
Result reports should be evaluated by physicians who are specialized and experienced in the field of medical genetics.
In patient communication, pre- and post-test genetic counseling, in which options and possible outcomes are explained to the patient in detail, should be offered in real terms.
For what purposes can genetic tests be performed?
1. Diagnostic tests for the confirmation or exclusion of individuals with known or suspected genetic diseases
2. Predictive testing for the detection of genetic diseases that may pose a health risk or affect the quality of a person's life
3. Genetic testing to help a person guide a lifestyle and live a healthy life
4. Carrier tests for the detection of genetic diseases thought to be transmitted familially and for pedigree studies that shed light on how they are transmitted
5. Prenatal testing during pregnancy to examine the unborn baby for genetic disease
6. During the IVF process; selective tests for the detection of embryos that do not carry genetic diseases detected in prospective parents and chromosome number control
7. Tests for therapeutic purposes
8. Follow-up tests